Your Business may be Small, but the Potential Cyber Threat is NOT.
In today’s connected world, small and medium businesses (SMBs) depend on data, software and technology. A cyberattack or data breach can have a significant impact.
We’ve all read the headlines about attacks at global corporations, but breaches at SMBs are much more common. And while cybersecurity technology and event preparedness are vital parts of a holistic cyber risk management strategy, many businesses are overlooking a critical third component – cyber insurance.
The Mounting Risk
85% of breaches are SMBs.
$300,000 average cost of a data breach to an SMB.
96% of MSPs think ransomware attacks will continue at the current rate or become worse.
To put this in perspective, consider the auto industry. Today’s vehicles come with an array of modern technology and drivers must be licensed and are warned of distracted or intoxicated driving. Yet we still buy auto insurance to protect against unforeseen events on the road. Many business owners willingly hop on the information super highway where other ‘drivers’ are actively trying to harm them – without cyber insurance. So, complete the cyber risk management trifecta with a cyber insurance policy and a DTG Cyber Insurance Testing service.
DTG can provide you a cyber insurance policy or review your current policy. THEN let DTG provide testing and management to ensure you can make that claim when you need to. Cyber Insurance policies REQUIRE your business do certain things in order for your business to make a claim. DTG can make sure you do that.